Is Your Fireplace Clean
1/31/2022 (Permalink)
How often do you have your fireplace cleaned? Do you have it cleaned by a professional or do you do it yourself?
However you have it cleaned you want to make sure its done properly and done often. Having a nice warm fire in your home or cabin can be nice to come back too, but if it is not properly maintained, it can lead to a disaster. Creosote can build in your chimney and lead to a fire that can get out of control very quick. The damage in limited to just your chimney and fireplace. If it grows to quick it can quickly burn your walls and roof, soot will spread throughout your house and if the fire department is called out, they can quickly soak your house leading to a water damage as well.
If this unfortunate loss should happen to you, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Mt Pleasant, Clare and Houghton Lake, 989-775-5065.